Purple Mash
With our baseline assessment work complete and first units of work well underway, I have now asked the teachers to prepare their first 20 minute English or maths homework for release next week. During this time the teachers have been asked to test a range of home online learning. We are clearly not advised to operate a system where work/books currently go home and return from home, therefore using online systems is the only effective way to set the short homework and for teachers to monitor how the children have managed this.
We are therefore going to use Purple Mash (and spag.com in year 6) to provide this. We are in the process of ensuring that everyone has re-issued Purple Mash logon details and knows their details for spag.com in year 6. These will be sent to families alongside the homework activity. Teachers will refresh the children on how to access these prior to sending the relevant homework out. We will also be issuing next week instructions to parents about how you can help your children access these.
We will then see how effective this system is up to the half-term holiday and make any necessary changes from there.