Miss Woodcock
Our core school intent runs through every aspect of our teaching and learning. It is our philosophy and approach in every subject area. It is how we teach and learn. Every leader commits to this. But every subject must have its own Programme of Study - its own lines of progression for the knowledge and skills we plan to teach and therefore its own rationale/intent for what we teach and learn.
Using the National Curriculum, we have designed a Programme of Study in the following ways.
After determining that French would be our chosen foreign language we wanted to find a appropriate supporting materials that built the language in progressive stages. Ultimately the format and chosen method has therefore enabled us to build the work in three sections: Early Language; Intermediate; Progressive.
Clearly our focus is upon practical communication with an appropriate balance of spoken and written language - with a specific emphasis upon the spoken aspect in the Early Language and initial Intermediate stages. As a result, we aim for the children to be able to communicate ideas, facts and feelings firstly in speech and secondly in writing.
Listening, 'joining in' and responding will remain consistent features of the work and be present within each session and during revision work in particular. The planned work will encourage our children to ask questions, provide simple answers and then move into expressing opinions and the undertaking a simple conversation - thereby progressively building the children and demand over time.
Developing increasingly accurate pronunciation and intonation will remain a prominent feature of the children's work as will be the aim to speak in clear, simple sentences when working orally. Understanding basic grammatical features, whilst broadening the range of vocabulary will run throughout the four year study as the children gradually move into writing phrases and creating simple sentences over time.
Each of these aspects should be taught within our philosophy upon how we teach at Mayfield. Sessions should be sharp and well paced with repetition of key learning being essential to retaining and building knowledge of the new language.
Take a look at the Coverage Overview below. Mayfield Primary School uses Language Angels to support our delivery of the statutory MFL curriculum. Progression & Milestone tools and documentation are captured within this programme. Core vocabulary is also drawn from here to support the delivery of each unit. Download a copy of the Coverage Overview at the base of the page and then take a look at the 'Implement & Impact' section of the website to see how we bring this to life with the help of our ‘how’ Classroom Craft philosophy.
Our new curriculum 'When I Grow Up...' has been occupying my time as subject leader. I want to see two clear goals in our MFL curriculum:
* ensure the key skills of confidence, fluency and spontaneity are fostered through discussion and questioning, whilst continually improving the accuracy of pupils' pronunciation and intonation;
* ensure that the planning and delivery of the MFL curriculum demonstrate progression for all year groups over time.
I am currently working upon each of these goals alongside ensuring our curriculum implements our core school intent at every opportunity.
I can see real potential in our MFL/French work when considering the importance of talk and discussion in our school intent.These are central to our approach to learning and outcomes in MFL/French.