A 'When I Grow Up' Autumn Summary
Zeus has returned and he has a challenge for our year 5 pupils! 'Build me a temple in the style of the Parthenon.' he declared. Our latest When I Grow Up... theme Gods & Legends began with a bolt of lightning as this instruction was followed by the immediate pursuit of the knowledge needed to design and construct a temple fit for the arrival of the returning Zeus in December. Our Stunning Start and Parent Celebration events have been designed to set the brief, purpose and aims of a history led theme with strong Design & Technology aspects running throughout. Our History work which followed had to encompass all aspects of Greek life, society and beliefs in order to understand the importance of Zeus and his mission for year 5. We have enjoyed our ancient history study and one of our aims was for this to provide the perfect opportunity to draw comparisons with the Summer Term Year 4 theme about another ancient (but non-European) civilisation - The Egyptians. It has been noticeable how the children were drawn in by the discussions and research around how the Greeks built a community and established a way of life which dominated the region. In particular, our studies upon the Parthenon, Alexander the Great and the battle between Athens and Sparta. We also considered their Olympics as a introduction to the modern Olympic Heroes theme that the children study in year 6.
During our Design & Technology work we also designed a Greek banquet fit for Zeus during one of our special theme days - in addition to our temple structures. Whilst studying Greek sculptures in art, the children developed their work with drawing tools. In Geography. we spent time studying the volcanoes of Greece. We studied extinct and active ones such as those at Santorini and Methana.
During our Religious Education studies we considered the depth of Sikh religious beliefs and we then moved on to consider the Christmas story as a key event in the Christian calendar. We focused upon the properties of materials in Science, investigating the effects of temperature upon them and what the environment can also do. We have had a particular focus upon measurements and using data within the practical investigative work this term. In French, we were studying language for the home and ordering food when dining out. Physical Education has focused upon cricket and basketball and a special 'Robin Hood' dance unit. In Music, we have focused upon a musical re-telling of 'The Trojan Horse' and performing this for a small audience as part of our singing focus this term. Whilst Computing saw the children animating different Greek myths using their developing coding skills and we planned opportunities to consider and re-fresh our Star of Safety e-safe expectations and how to ensure we are safe online. Last, but certainly not least, our PSHE & Relationships work this term centred upon looking at the influence of peers and how this can add pressure and be a worry at times. We discussed safe spaces and physical contact and moved into discussions upon discrimination and prejudice and how we may see this and potentially how this can be safely challenged as we grow. The children were given a range of scenarios and situations in our drama based sessions.
We have had a very busy number based term in Mathematics. As is often the case, the four operations and place value have led the way. We have been developing the speed and fluency of our written methods and continued to enhance our understanding of place value via our 'Place Value Street'. During our English units, we have had the chance to take on some Greek themes. We have read and created our own myths fables. Whilst our non-fiction writing focused upon writing a guide to the Greek Gods and their beliefs. We completed the term by re-imagining and re-telling the opening of the first ancient Olympics in a mock news report.